Using its knowledge and experience in the field of project management and construction industry, Koosha Management Company has formulated and defined the methodology.This methodology was developed with a special look at the methodology and a combination of PMBOK and PRINCE2 standards. In the development of this method, the following standards are considered:

ISO9001-2015, ISO45001-2018, ISO31000-2015, ISO14001-2015 and…

One of the features of KPMM methodology is its ease of use for project managers. The application scope of this methodology is in the field of construction project management and for small, medium and large projects.

This methodology is that it includes all the processes of planning, implementation, control and monitoring before the start of the project, during and after the completion of the project.

Using the knowledge and experience of its specialists in the field of project management and construction, Koosha Management Company is able to implement project management based on the KPMM model in construction projects using an online platform effectively and functionally.

Advantages of the methodology:

Better achievement of strategic goals and project goals, saving resources, documenting organizational knowledge and experience, increasing the knowledge and expertise of the project management team, achieving a higher level of stakeholder satisfaction, and increasing maturity and organizational culture for better project management and implementation, the benefits of using Koosha Project Management services.

Other advantages of using the project management method include the following:

  • Integrated and process
  • Oriented project management by using BIM, AR, VR, AI
  • Creating productivity and optimal use of resources
  • Significant reduction of project problems, changes and risks
  • Online control and monitoring STCQRR (Scope, Time, Cost, Quality, Resources, Risks)
  • 15% cost reduction and project time reduction
  • Reduction of construction time and 30% reduction of project backlog time